Company F.A.Q

Belief in superior quality in products and services prove to be paramount in excellent companies.Jaybharat has spacious plant premises supported by the advanced state of the art equipment and facilities. As firm followers of Good Manufacturing Practices, the company takes essential measures to improve technology for retaining environment safety as well as enhanced quality out put. In 1995 we changed from a heavy duties Grinding Media unit into continue cycling roller grinding media unit in excellence production capacity and transferring the excellence new grinding media Technology. Jaybharat ensures smooth operations and productivity by main thing adequate raw material inventory from the most reliable and established suppliers. Our sourcing of inputs ensures stable and cost effective supply. The process layout ensures stable and cost effective supply. The process layout is scientifically derived and affords a contamination-free environment. A high-tech- in-house workshop enables regular machine maintenance, as well as development of spare parts and patterns.
As we adapt ourselves to the global trends, moving towards truly high-tech refractory, we at Jaybharat do not fail to recognize our role as a responsible corporate citizen. The Company helps to save precious foreign exchange by developing import substitutes, which are much more economical and readily made available. Foreign exchange is also earned through our export activities.
The Company produces High Quality RAW Materials Base Refractories BED MATERIALS for Steel, Cement, Chemical, Power, Sugar, Petrochemical, Fertilizer and other industries since 1990.
Our future endeavor comprises focusing more on import substitutes and high-end applications in the country. Jaybharat is already poised to address global markets and will enhance its Domestic presence in the entire India in near future. The plant capacity will also be progressively upgraded by implementation of new technology.

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